
Photo Credit: Abby Grace Photography


D. Michele Perry spent 20 years in leadership in various ministry settings within the Independent Charismatic Movement. During that time, she lived and worked for 7 years in what is now South Sudan starting a community-based project that cared for hundreds of at-risk children and women.

Michele traveled and spoke to thousands around the world, wrote two books, and was a rising leader in the charismatic movement.

After repeated malaria and being confronted with disturbing organizational dynamics; a decade ago, she lost everything when she turned in her ordination and said goodbye to politicized, celebrity-driven Christianity.

Michele now resides in Florida and writes about the intersection of culture, theology, and spiritual formation. She also writes about her journey of healing from spiritual abuse, religious trauma, and a life-altering car accident that left her with a brain injury in 2018 that stole her words.

Michele is an award-winning multimedia artist & creator of The Wonder Habit™, a community that has served over 11K creatives who want to be more creative, feel less alone, and find wonder every day.

She navigates life with 1 leg, 1 hip, a 96.3% fused spine, and had 23 surgeries by the time she was 13. Michele is known for her lyrical, engaging, and unapologetically transparent writing. Her art and creative work explore the connection, courage, and curiosity rooted in wonder as a daily practice, the beauty of the natural world, and the power of our unfolding stories.


  • Understanding & responding to the dangers of Seven Mountain Theology

  • A personal perspective on her experiences within & leaving the independent charismatic movement

  • Charismatic celebrity culture and spiritual abuse

  • Healthy spiritual formation and creativity


D. Michele Perry is a multimedia studio artist, author & full-time encourager; a lover of blank canvases, open roads, & wild spaces. Michele is the creator of The Wonder Habit™, where she writes and helps subscribers become more creative, feel less alone, and find wonder every day.


D. Michele Perry



Photo Credit: Abby Grace Photography
Photo Credit: Abby Grace Photography